Beautiful Memories · Feline and Canine Pets · Relationships · Self-Development · Walking Away From Hell

Thank You

Thank you, Ashley and Banjo. You have been the best of what is love on Earth.

Ashley, you were the first to give true love. D-Day October 30, 2016.

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And, you, Banjo had given me so much love. What comes around goes around. Once, I said to Ashley, “I’ll love you so much that you’ll get sick of me.” Banjo, you had given me so much love and affection–so much that sometimes I’d wanted to tell you to stop! But I didn’t because it was my traumatic past reminding me. There was no real love back then. I deserve to be truly loved for all that I am and so I let you love me and to give me as much affection as you wanted. Sometimes you slept in the crook of my left arm all night. You gave me so many awesome days. Banjo’s D-Day: August 16, 2018.


Ashley and Banjo, my babies forever. You had always been, and will always be God’s creatures. I know He is taking care of you now.

You both had brought me from Hell/WarZone to living in happiness while you were with me. The memories of you will remain in me, and so, too, will the happiness you both gave to me.

Thank you, forever.

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